Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Promotional postcard

Here is a postcard I put together to send to publishers.
I'll sit with it for a while and see if it needs some help first.
When it seems ready, and I am armed with names & addresses from Children's Book Writers & Illustrators Market 2012, I'll send it out.

Critique is welcome.


  1. I think this is a delightful illustration, Vicki. I like the little critters, especially the red one. The placement of the books make for a strong composition too. My only suggestion is that it would have been fun to use the covers of the books to put your face and personal info on instead of having your face poke out from between the books. But it's still very engaging and so, so child friendly. All the best to you as you do this mailer. Way to go.

  2. This is terrific! It's so playful, and welcomes such exploration, just as the animals themselves are doing. I love the cat looking at the tiger. Whereas Kim does have a point - If you'd incorporated your name on the book covers or something, it would have made this less of a still life and more of an illustration - the composition is so carefully and interestingly done that it's obvious to the viewer who you are, and what your interest is in making the image.

  3. Good luck, Vicki. I think this is very effective and so thoughtfully designed. I just started a Children's Book Illustration class last week, incidentally. Glad to see you're blogging; I will too, eventually! :D

